Since we have been on this self-indulging-per day-art cum illustration-spree, I flipped through one of my Edward de Bono's books wondering if he has a 'word' for us for today.
It turns out to be "something".
:D Interesting, in'it!
" There is real need in language for a very vague word which means: ' the thing that is needed here'. A surgeon might say: ' We need 'something' to get the edges of the skin to stick together'. This 'something' could be : sutures, staples, glue, clips, etc."
Here's my little something from nothing...
Vivi5 is a creative design studio that came into being simply out of sheer love for animation, art & design. Our designs are unbound to any style, method or platform. We are purely driven by very 'the purpose', 'the brand' and most importantly by our 'passion' to explore new territories as we create unique visual communication experiences. Here, we bring you a glimpse to some of our unique experiences with animation, art & design. A very warm welcome!