Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Since we have been on this self-indulging-per day-art cum illustration-spree, I flipped through one of my Edward de Bono's books wondering if he has a 'word' for us for today.

It turns out to be "something".
:D Interesting, in'it!

" There is real need in language for a very vague word which means: ' the thing that is needed here'. A surgeon might say: ' We need 'something' to get the edges of the skin to stick together'. This 'something' could be : sutures, staples, glue, clips, etc."

Here's my little something from nothing...


Parag Natekar said...

Hey ! now thats something !
Good to see all ure recent posts !
'Prakriti' looks good but couldnt see much details of it.
And also ure illutraton per day is a good idea : )

Animation.Art.Design.Studio said...

Hey Parag check out Prakruti again. replaced them with bigger images ;)

d.square said...

your something reminds me of this


i wonder how the guy did this ?

Animation.Art.Design.Studio said...

Interesting connection d.square!
My next post will be a little something in same lines( both literally and laterally :P)
How did (s)he do it?
I think you know this but in any case: It can be created by simply capturing a picture ( of a moving light) with longer shutter speed.
Do check my next post for some more lines!